Solo Legion Comics

Solo Legion Comics Series

The Solo Legion Comics series will feature all members of Solo Legion in big battles against giants, monsters, villains, cyborgs, aliens, the armies of tyrannical governments and a host of other threats to the freedom and the safety of humanity as well as the inhabitants of other worlds.

The heroes will operate as a team with the understanding that each of them will have their own personal lives to manage and their own individual battles to fight. The heroes will only contact each other for assistance in battle when absolutely necessary understanding that other heroes may be involved in their own battles to save lives. Heroes will often be assisted by other members of Solo Legion who will show up just in time to help defeat the villains and save the day.

In between their individual adventures all heroes will be summoned for the big battles that none of them could face alone.     

Every member of Solo Legion has a unique story that begins with their childhood, tells how they obtain their powers, explains the beginning of their careers and shows their individual crime fighting prior to joining Solo Legion. All heroes will have a comic book featuring their origination story integrated into the ongoing Solo Legion Comic book series. Each origination story will go through the life of one hero and culminate in their recruitment by Amphibian to join Solo Legion.

Comic #1

Issue #1 is currently in production and is entitled Solo Legion vs The Ice Giant. It is set for release in 2024 and will be followed up with the video game entitled Solo Legion which is to be released at the end of 2024.

Solo Legion vs. The Ice Giant will feature Solo Legion in a huge battle to save Dallas, Texas from a breed of ice aliens that arrive in the middle of downtown Dallas in broad daylight. Rather than begin with the origination story of each hero the first comic will begin after the full team has been assembled and are beginning to learn how to work together while still maximizing their individual abilities. This issue will focus on Amphibian’s leadership, philosophy and structure of Solo Legion as he leads the team into their first battle as an organized unit. It will feature each hero’s individual battles and sweeping, panoramic views of the action-packed battle scenes as they save Dallas and its citizens from destruction!


We are currently developing Solo Legion vs. The Ice Giant with the long-term goals for the comic book series in mind. These long-term goals include the art style, character development and story arcs in each issue. With so many fun, exciting and action-packed stories to tell we aim to establish a production process that will allow us to release a new comic every 3 months. As we increase production capacity, we will release a new comic every month. Eventually, we will be able to release a new comic twice per month without compromising the quality of the stories or the consistent aesthetics of the artwork.  


Marketing efforts will include consistent website updates, social media, Youtube, emails, podcasts, radio and TV interviews, sponsorships and Comic Con Conventions. The most important marketing that Solo Legion can receive is and will always be from people telling their friends how much they enjoy this new, exciting and amazing team of heroes! We will aim to make each Solo Legion Comic the best and most enjoyable comic book possible on a consistent basis.


Solo Legion Comics will initially be available on as a printed comic book, a coloring book, a digital download inside of the video game and as a hard cover book with a later release date. We will pursue retail distribution in comic and other retail stores as Solo Legion becomes more popular.

Comic book preview Pages coming soon!