Hero Name: 

Hero Personality:



Weapons and Transportation:


Civilian description: Name, Sex, Race, Height and Weight

Civilian Personality: 


Story: (Base of Operation, Origin, origination of powers)

Hero Personality

  • He does not take the super hero life too seriously and remains light hearted even in battle situations.
  • Once his patience wears thin his anger takes over and he is lethal in defeating his opponents.


  • He has the ability to shrink himself from a natural 7 ft to ¼ of an inch.
  • He can also touch things and shrink them as well either temporarily.

Fighting Style

He specializes in attacking joints, bending and braking them to disable his opponents.


  • Belt – It consists of 20 individual 5 foot long pieces that interlock. Each piece is designed like a snake and has artificial intelligence built into it that allows Shrink to control it telepathically. This belt is shrunk down to fit around his waist. This belt also transfers his shrinking power to anything that it touches so that he is able to shrink things in the distance.
  • Hatchet – He has 2 hatchets that are identical and are a combination of a hatchet, hammer and ice pick. He shrinks these hatchets down to fit into his gold forearm bands.  Each hatches splits into 5 individual thin hatchets. The 2 that split on each side of the core hatchet are lighter and can be thrown with great force and accuracy. The 2 cores of the hatchets can be kept to use for hand to hand combat.
  • Grenades – He has high tech grenades that he shrinks down to size and wears inside his wings. They can be individually programmed to explode at different times and with different power levels.
  • Multi-Purpose Tool Gun – This is a tool gun that has an assortment of tools on it such as screw drivers, electric saw, drill bits, wire cutter, etc. It is also shrunk down to fit inside of his suit and is used to sabotage mechanical equipment and robots from the inside.


  • Wings – The outer layer of his costume is designed special wings with built in fans. He expands these wings and telepathically controls the fans in order to speed up, slow down or change direction.
  • Boots – He also has a special set of boots that give him incredible vertical leaping abilities that come in handy when he is at a reduced size.
  • Mountain Bike – He also has a high performance mountain bike that he shrinks down and carries with him to use when he is at a reduced size and needs to cover a large distance when flying is not an option.

Civilian Description

  • Name – Tan Lu
  • Race – Asian
  • Height – 7’0
  • Weight –  230 lbs.

Civilian Personality 

  • He is cool under pressure and level headed.
  • He is a brilliant businessman who expands the bank and builds it into a national bank. 
  • He is easy going and a peacemaker.


Bank President


Tan Lu grows up with 2 older sisters. His parents own a successful restaurant. He grows up very tall for his age and eventually grows to 7 feet tall. But children make fun of him for being tall and uncoordinated and even though he loves basketball he fails to make the team in high school. He resents his height wishing that he were shorter and more athletic. He goes to college and excels at business and finance and pays his way through college working at the The Bank Of Dallas. He considers himself a failure because he did not use his height for sports. After he graduates he takes a Senior Management position then works his way up in the bank as he learns new positions. But when the Bank President announces his upcoming retirement he calls Tan Lu into his office and informs him that he has recommended him to become the new Bank President. After being convinced that he is qualified he accepts the promotion. He puts in long hours at the bank. To relieve his stress he decides to pursue his love for nature by making wild life photography his new hobby. While on vacation he is filming deer in a field when suddenly a meteor falls from the sky right into the middle of the deer! The deer scatter in all directions and he cautiously approaches the meteorite. As he approaches it the meteorite begins to shrink into the hole it has made in the ground. He gets down into the hole, but as he picks it up he begins to shrink so rapidly that he is unable to climb out of the hole. He shrinks to the size of the pea sized meteorite. He panics at first then calms down and begins to slowly regain his height and size while the meteorite remains the same size. He picks up the meteor and climbs out of the hole. He tells no one of the event. He soon discovers his ability to shrink himself and whatever he touches. When he gets back from vacation he hears that several banks have been robbed in Dallas. This puts him on high alert. After using his shrinking abilities to thwart a bank robbery planned for The Bank of Dallas he realizes that it is his duty to use his unique power to fight crime. He designs his outfit, logo, weapons and flying apparatus and becomes the hero named Shrink. 




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