
Hero Personality

  • She is witty, extremely feminine and hates getting dirty.
  • She has a fiery temper when standing up for women and women’s issues.
  • She is flamboyant and sometimes reckless in using her powers to fight crime.


  • She is made of living, organic rubber that allows her to shape shift.
  • She has almost unlimited stretching ability.
  • She has the ability to wrap around things and crush them with her super crushing strength like an anaconda.

Fighting Style

Her main technique is to wrap around and constrict to suffocate or crush her opponents.


Stick/Nunchakus - A high tech fighting stick with a Nunchakus that extend out of each end.   


Monster Truck – This is a high tech monster truck that is equipped with a battering ram on front, super charged motor and an arsenal of weapons.

Civilian Description

  • Name – Mariah Jones
  • Race - African American
  • Height – 5’9
  • Weight – 140 lbs.

Civilian Personality

  • She is calm, extremely wise and intelligent.
  • She is professional, well-spoken and thoughtful.


Criminal Defense Attorney


Mariah Jones is an only child who grows up in Dallas, Texas. As she grows older she becomes fascinated by crime shows on TV. She decides at an early age to become a criminal defense attorney after watching a case in which an innocent man is framed for murder, but is set free after a great defense from his attorney. She graduates from law school at the top of her class and becomes a great Criminal Defense Attorney. One day while on vacation in South America she is kidnapped and held for ransom by a group of criminals led by a mad scientist. But when the facility is attacked by the police and a team of US soldiers she falls into the tank of a genetically altered anaconda. She is attacked by the snake and its genetically altered cells are transferred into her body. She is rescued from the tank by a soldier, but as they are running across the platform it collapses behind them and the soldier falls off. Mariah reaches out to grab him and her arms stretches 10 feet down, grabs him and she pulls him back up to the platform. They stare at each other for a split second in disbelief of her new ability then they escape just before the building collapses and burns to the ground. After making it safely back to Dallas Mariah resumes her career as a Criminal Defense Attorney. But the dramatic experience of being kidnapped and held for ransom has traumatized her and she knows she never wants anyone else to experience that pain if she can help it. She decides to use her new shapeshifting and constricting abilities to fight the criminals that she defends her clients from. She especially targets men who commit crimes against women. Because she is so feminine, prissy and a female activist she names herself Diva. She constantly seeks to be a strong example and teach all women to stand up for themselves while always carrying themselves with class and self-respect. 

Diva needs your comments! Please go up to the Contact page and let her know what you think of her and the rest of Solo Legion! Please include you contact information so that we can keep you updated on Solo Legion comics, products and upcoming events!