
Hero Personality

  • He is a genius, is tenacious and strategic in battle. 
  • He is very philosophical, but is a quick thinker and decision maker.


  • He has unlimited muscle growth and strength based on resistance and weight of his opponent.
  • He has extremely dense muscle fibers with rapid healing and regeneration abilities.

Fighting Style

His fighting style is more wrestling and grappling instead of kicking andpunching. He likes to rip the robots that he fights apart piece by piece. He wrestles them and rips them in half or rips limbs off of them. He is not a boxer or kicker. He prefers jujitsu and wresting techniques to put his enemies in choke holds or rip them apart.


He has 2 high tech, powerful guns that shoot miniature missiles and a long arrow tipped chain. Each gun can be hand held hand or they can be combined into one large gun. When out of ammunition each gun converts into a club that he can use for hand to hand combat.  


He has the ability to fly.

Civilian Description

  • Name – Michael Barkley
  • Race - African American
  • Height – 6’2’
  • Weight –  230 lbs.

Civilian Personality

  • He is fun loving man and a popular, dynamic radio personality.
  • He can be serious, caring and thought provoking.


Sports Radio Talk Show Host


Michael Barkley sees Ashley on the first day of highschool and knows that she is the girl of his dreams. They soon become boyfriend and girlfriend. But the next year a new football player transfers to his school, becomes attracted to Ashley and beats Michael up in front of her. Michael is so embarrassed that he breaks up with Ashley and is determined to become stronger and learn to fight. He avoids Ashley at school, but notices that she turns every other guy that approaches her down. Michael adds wrestling to his workout program as he continues to put on unusual amounts of muscle. In his Junior year he and Ashley become friends again, but Michael cannot allow himself to become her boyfriend again because he has never gotten over being beaten up in front of her. Throughout their Senior year Michael sees the bully pick on other kids and flirt with Ashley, but he never steps in to intervene. On the last day of school the bully corners Ashley and will not let her get around him. Before he can think about it Michael walks over and tells the bully to leave Ashley alone. The crowd gathers to watch the confrontation and the bully attacks Michael. Michael uses his wrestling skills and wins the fight. After the fight Michael and Ashley become boyfriend and girlfriend again. Then he is offered the opportunity to become a body builder and he goes on to become the #1 body builder in the world. Soon another body builder becomes jealous of him and sabotages his weight bench by loosening the screws. He is bench pressing 450 pounds when suddenly the bench collapses and the weight drops onto him. Michael sustains severe injuries and is hospitalized, but he recovers from his injuries and is determined to regain his title as the #1 body builder in the world. As he sits in the hospital day after day he develops a new theory for body building and muscle recovery. After he is sent home he experiments with his new theory and increases the intensity of his weight training. One day he decides to test his new limits and adds more weight to his bench press than he ever has. As he gets the weight down to his chest the bar bends from the heavy weight on each end. Michael is unable to push the weight back up. Fear takes over and he has a flashback to his accident. He panics and pushes as hard as he can. Suddenly, he throws the bar up into the air above him. He catches it and puts it back on the rack then sits up. As he looks in the mirror he sees that his upper body muscles have grown much larger than they ever have before. Then he watches as they slowly go back to their normal size. He stands up and grabs his heaviest dumbbells to test his legs and see if they will have the same results. He watches his legs inflate as he bounces with the weights. Suddenly, he begins lifting off of the ground and he realizes that he can now fly, lift an unlimited amount of weight and quickly build unlimited muscle mass. Over the next few months he wrestles with the thought of giving up his dream, but decides to retire from body building due to his new muscle condition. Michael soon accepts an offer to host a unique radio show.  One day he is kidnapped at gunpoint by the man who called the radio show threatening him several days earlier. Michael is chained in the basement of the man’s abandoned home. As the man walks towards him with a knife, Michael strains against the chains then breaks them. The man is scared as he watches Michael’s muscles grow enormous so he turns and runs out of the house. The man gets into a shootout with police and is killed. After this event Michael knows that he must use his powers to save lives. He creates a costume using chains as his symbol and he becomes the hero named Hunk.          

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