Ultimate Acrobat

Hero Personality

  • He is a nice guy who loves life and enjoys the challenges of being a hero.
  • He is perceived as cocky because he speaks his mind without fear and talks trash to villains while he is fighting them.
  • He relishes extreme athletic feats and goes out of his way to prove how athletic he really is by flipping and contorting himself even when it is not necessary.


  • Energy Field – He has unlimited energy that creates an energy field around him. This energy field is like a 6th sense and allows him to react instantly to dodge or attack any threat that comes at him even before he sees it.
  • Acrobatics – He  has the ability to flip, contort, dodge, roll, spin, do extremely acrobatic gymnastics and stunts.
  • Accuracy – He has pin point accuracy that allows him to throw his weapons while spinning, rolling, flipping, dodging, contorting, etc and he is still able to hit his precise targets consistently by instantly adjusting for gravity, wind speed, distance, velocity, etc.
  • Athletic ability – He has unlimited stamina and can run great distances at Olympic level sprint speeds. He is able to use both his left and right hands with equal strength and skill.
  • Levitation – He has the ability to condense the Energy Field around him into a solid mass that allows him to instantly freeze in and hold any position while suspended in mid-air.   

Fighting Style

His fighting style kick boxing. He fights with a dizzying array of spin kicks and athletic moves including sweeps and flipping kicks. He also boxes, but he is a kicking specialist and his hands are often occupied with throwing weapons.


  • The Claw – This weapon is a short thin pole that has 5 sharp, metal, finger like prongs that extend out of one end. Buttons on the handle shape the prongs into different formations depending on what he needs to use the claws for.
  • The Entangler – This weapon is a short pole that has five nylon strings with 1 metal ball attached to the end of each string. It entangles people and shocks them if they try to get untangled.
  • He also has throwing blades, boomerangs, grease filled marbles, exploding darts, slicing discs and explosive floating jacks.   


  • Dirt Bike – He has a high performance dirt bike and uses his extreme athleticism to do acrobatic mind blowing stunts while fighting crime.
  • Parachute Glider – This is a gliding apparatus that is thin and stored in a pack in his suit covering his shoulder blades.
  • Wheels in Boots – He has a single wheel that is hidden inside the middle sole of each boot. When activated it pops out, locks in place vertically and is used to skate at high speeds.

Civilian Description

  • Name – Tony Branch
  • Race – African  American
  • Height – 6’0
  • Weight – 215 lbs.

Civilian Personality 

  • He is a super talented, high energy, fun loving, emotional guy who the fans love because he takes losses personal and enjoys celebrating great plays and victories on the football field.
  • He is a great leader on the football field and a positive role model off the field.
  • He secretly looks forward to his time as a hero so that he can release his boundless energy to test his athletic limits fighting villains and saving lives.


Professional Football Player


Tony Branch is born with a condition that causes his body to produce and maintain higher levels of creatine, adrenaline, joint and brain fluid as well as creating a higher electrical spark that causes him to have above normal speed, reflexes, muscle twitch, conditioning and flexibility. He is born into a poor family in a house that is barely standing and they can barely make ends meet. He deals with the embarrassment of not having good clothes for school, not having many toys and not having enough to eat sometimes. But as he grows he develops athletically and begins to stand out for his reflexes, speed and agility. He learns to play sandlot football at the park and begins playing quarterback. In his freshman year of high school he is playing at the park one day after school when the coach drives by and sees him. The coach watches him play and is amazed at his ability to duck and dodge the rushers. The coach is also amazed that he is able to throwing equally with both hands from any position whether he is standing up or falling. He sees Tony throw long and short passes with deadly accuracy even while running full speed. The coach approaches him after their game and asks him if he would like to play on the football team. He joins the team and does his best to maximize his athletic ability without giving away the fact that he possesses super human abilities. In his Senior year they win the state championship and he becomes the #1 recruit in the country. He plays college football, wins a college championship and recieves the Most Valuable Player award. He becomes the #1 draft pick of the Dallas Fire in the professional football draft. He quickly becomes famous for his ability to avoid being tackled and for being able to throw a football equally well with both hands. He becomes rich from his contract and endorsements and he regularly donates his time and money to charity events. But he often feels guilty that he is only using his extreme athletic abilities to get richer. He watches the news, sees crimes committed and starts to imagine himself as a hero saving the day using his acrobatic skills. He create an alter ego named Ultimate Acrobat. He then creates the costume and the array of weapons and begins practicing in the outfit while using the weapons. He then reverts back to his love of dirt bike racing and customizes a performance dirt bike to use as his transportation when he is a hero. His first rescue as a hero soon comes when his sister is kidnapped and he saves her life. The thought of almost losing his sister to crime becomes his driving force to fight crime as Ultimate Acrobat.



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