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Hero Personality

  • She is very playful and flirtatious.
  • She is very confident and acts invincible.
  • She is smart and has quick wit and humor.


  • She has the ability to instantly turn into a female version of anyone or any living creature with all of their powers, abilities and weapons.
  • She has almost perfect aim when shooting her hand guns.

Fighting Style

  • She is an expert in Judo. She fights defensively using her opponent’s strength and momentum against them to throw and slam them to the ground.
  • She uses defense until she is able to assume their powers and abilities and then uses their powers and abilities against them.


She has 3 hand guns that are loaded with special bullets that collapse into themselves once inside their target and create a vacuum effect so strong that it causes the target to collapse into itself.


She drives a black SUV that converts into a small red and black helicopter.

Civilian Description

  • Name – Michelle White
  • Race – African American
  • Height – 5’6
  • Weight – 135 lbs.

Civilian Personality

  • She prefers to be nice and friendly and loves her fans.
  • She is bland and boring towards the media to keep people from getting too close and discovering her secret identity.




Michelle White is born to a mother who has to abandon her dreams of acting in order to provide for her new daughter.  She works Michelle very hard as a child and is jealous of her beauty and personality as she grows up. Michelle is very close to her father, however and he is the buffer between her and her mother. She is born with eyes that store a special energy transfer system that nobody knows about. She is able to view movements and mimic the motion of that movement by duplicating the energy required to produce that motion. This allows her to excel as a young actress. In high school her beauty and unique acting skills earn her the lead role in the major play of the school year. But a group of jealous girls beats her up 2 days before the play so that one of them can have the lead role in the play. Michelle has to be hospitalized due to her injuries and misses the play completely. As she is in the hospital recovering from her injuries her mother feels bad about how she has treated her and resented her beauty. Michelle accepts her mother’s apology and they repair their relationship. She is released from the hospital and is determined to prove herself as a professional actress. But she is passed over for roles that are given to actresses of other races. Her mother then becomes her agent and she receives leading roles. She wins several Best Actress awards. One day she is inspired by the story of one of her fans and decides to invest in research to help blind people see using special contact lenses. She is testing the contact lenses at the lab on the day of a solar eclipse and forgets to take the contact lenses off when she looks at the eclipse. As the moon passes in front of the sun she is spellbound, until the sun’s rays hit her eyes and are magnified by the contact lenses. This amount of light and energy is too much for both her eyes and her brain because of the special energy transfer system that she was born with. She falls back away from the window in severe pain grabbing her head and covering her eyes as she stumbles over a chair and falls backward. As she struggles to get up she realizes that she is now blind. She is rushed to the hospital. The doctor says that she will be blind and have severe headaches for the rest of her life. Michelle is devastated as she has now lost both her sight and her career. But several days later the headaches stop and her sight returns. However, she is now able to project light beams from her eyes. She later discovers the ability to project light beams into the eyes of people and living creatures, transfer their blueprint and living energy into herself and become a female version of them with their abilities and skills, but without their memories. After this discovery she realizes that she can use this ability to make a difference in society. She designs her red and black outfit using a black rose with red highlights as her symbol because as a black woman she has always identified with the rare beauty of a black rose. She develops her vacuum bullets and gun then becomes the hero named Mimic.