Hero Personality

  • He is a natural joker, but turns very serious for the fight.
  • He has a quick temper and competitive spirit.
  • He can be ruthless, but is merciful in the end.


  • He is able to take on the shape and characteristics of all plants and trees.
  • He is able to transform different parts of his body into different plant species at the same time.
  • He is able to rapidly regrow severed body part using photosynthesis as a plant would.

Fighting Style

  • He is an opportunistic fighter who primarily uses his arms as solid oak to punch and his legs as oak tree roots to kick, restrain and trip his opponents.
  • He also manufactures plant toxins, thorns, vines, poisonous spines, etc. and uses them against his opponent. 


  • Chainsaw/Machete – This is a super charged chainsaw with a handle like a sword and a spinning blade like a chainsaw. It can slice through metal.
  • Blow Dart/Short Staff – This weapon is a thin but strong, 3 ft. long, metal blow dart that he uses to blow poisonous needles long distances with deadly accuracy.
  • 2 Sickles – These are modified sickles that have an extremely sharp sickle blade, but also uses a laser that follows the curve of the inside blade to slice through almost anything.


He rides a white golf cart that converts into a high tech, 2 passenger, 4 wheel drive, All Terrain  vehicle that is equipped with an arsenal of weapons and modifications for fighting crime on flat and extremely rugged terrain.

Civilian Description

  • Name – Adrian Goldston
  • Race – Caucasian
  • Height – 6’2
  • Weight – 200 lbs.

Civilian Personality

  • He is a nice guy, but is very cool and confident.
  • He has a dry sense of humor, has to explain his jokes, but after his explanation everyone gets the joke and cannot help but laugh at his sense of humor. 
  • He is extremely competitive on the golf course, but is great to fans and does a lot of charity work.


Professional Golfer


Adrian Goldston is born with a blood disease that causes him to not be able to adequately absorb and process enough vitamins and minerals from his food to keep him healthy. His father is a scientist working for the government and is an avid golfer. He often takes Adrian golfing with him and lets him ride in the golf cart because he is too weak to walk the greens. His father notices that he is always energized by the atmosphere of the golf course. When he is 6 years old his father begins doing research into plant photosynthesis and discovers that there is an extremely rare plant that is closer to human DNA than any other plant in the world. He begins secretly developing this plant in hopes of getting it close enough to human DNA that he can create a serum that will allow photosynthesis to take place in humans. He collects DNA from every species of plant available and combines it with the serum from the main plant and perfects his formula. One night he sneaks Adrian into the government lab where he works, gives him the shot of plant serum and sits him inside of the machine that uses a special light to activate the plant DNA inside his body. But when a guard comes into the room his father is forced to hide and Adriane is overexposed to the light. When the guard leaves his father rushes him out of the machine and towards the exit. But they are spotted by the guards and his father is shot in the back as they run through the bushes. Adriane transforms into a bush and watches as his father is pronounced dead on the scene. He is forced to keep the secret of why his father died for the rest of his life. After his father’s death the serum has the desired effect and he grows unusually healthy and strong. He keeps his ability to transform his body into many different plant species a secret from everyone including his mother. He begins playing golf as a means of coping with the tragedy and reliving the memories of being with his father on the golf course. Then he becomes good enough to become a professional golfer and he dedicates his career to the memory of his father. He becomes the #1 golfer in the world. As crime increases around him he knows that he must use his plant abilities to make a difference in society. He designs an outfit that represents a tree with brown pants for the trunk and a green shirt for the leaves. He then creates a modified golf cart that transforms into a battle ready ATV and creates his 3 special weapons. He names himself after his favorite tree and becomes a hero named Oak-Man.


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