Hero Personality

  • He has a great sense of humor and is very lighthearted.
  • Once he is engaged in battle he is very flamboyant with his powers and often goes way overboard when using them against his enemies.


  • He has the ability to manipulate air into concentrated wind currents that can lift objects and move them.
  • He has the ability to condense the water molecules in the air to create a vortex of water that can be thrown vertically or horizontally to put out a fire or blast an enemy.
  • He can vaporize his body mass into steam and travel through pipes or other small spaces.
  • He can fly by inhaling and releasing air through his pores.
  • His body compresses and stores huge amounts of oxygen that he is able to release as powerful wind blasts from his hands and feet.

Fighting Style

His fighting style is to use strong wind currents to disorient his opponent with a dizzying array of spins. He also uses wind blasts to then throw them around or to pick up objects to hit them with. He uses his basic but well rounded street fighting skills in hand to hand combat.


  • Exploding Shrapnel – He has little round, white balls that open up in the air and have spinning prongs on them. When they hit a surface they stick then explode with a great impact.  They are stored inside of the logo on his chest.
  • Available Items – He is a master at using items around the battle scene against his opponents by creating a tornado with various items spinning around then hitting his opponents with them.
  • Cape - His cape is designed like a flying carpet and is governed by advanced artificial intelligence. It reacts to his voice commands from a chip imbedded in the back of his mask and is able to disconnect from his neck to perform rescues or shoots Exploding Shrapnel.


He has the ability to fly.

Civilian Description

  • Name – Blake Stevens
  • Race – African  American
  • Height – 5’11
  • Weight – 170 lbs.

Civilian Personality 

  • He is a great listener.
  • He believes in leading by example feeling that he can show you better than he can tell you.
  • He is thoughtful, sharp, confident and ahead of the game. 


Investment Banker


Blake Stevens has a fairly uneventful childhood. His father is a construction worker and his mother is a secretary at an investment firm. As a child and a teenager he watches how hard his father works and how tired he is every day. His mother tells him about the investment bankers that she works with, the suits they wear and the money that they make. She tells him to get a degree in finance so that he can have a great life. He goes to college and obtains a degree in finance. He becomes an investor for wealthy people and eventually owns his own investment firm in downtown Dallas at a fairly young age. He is extremely successful and known for his ethics and solid investment decisions. He becomes the investor for the richest and most successful business men and women in Dallas. One day he decides to take a tourist trip over the Bermuda Triangle. All is well until they turn around and head back to shore. Dark clouds begin to gather between the plane and the shore. The pilot flies the plane above the dark clouds that now seem to be following the plane in spite of his evasive maneuvers. Suddenly, the plane is sucked into a funnel cloud that has formed beneath them. The plane is ripped apart piece by piece as the passengers are sucked out of plane and into the swirling clouds. Blake is ripped from his seat just before a bolt of lightning incinerates it. He releases his parachute and is engulfed by a dense fog in the middle of the typhoon. The fog condenses around his body to the point that he is unable to move or breathe. As he takes one last gasp for air there is a clap of thunder that creates a wave of static electricity in the fog. This causes the fog to bond with his body and be completely absorbed disappearing into his mouth, ears, nose, eyes and pores. The storm immediately dissipates, but instead of falling from the sky Blake finds himself floating above the water with his parachute dangling beneath him.  From this vantage point he sees the debris and the bodies of the other passenger face down in the water. When he hears a woman scream from under her parachute he drops down into the water so that she does not see him flying. He swims over to her, untangles her, then he and the stewardess inflate the emergency raft. They eventually make it back to shore. He and the stewardess become very close, but Blake is unable to forget the images of the other passengers who died in the crash. He knows that he was spared and given special powers to use for good. He develops his abilities, designs his costume, shrapnel and the cape then becomes the hero Typhoon.





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