Hero Personality

  • She is loose and flamboyant and has a corny, but still funny sense of humor.
  • She is cocky and frequently revels in and expresses how much she loves her electrical abilities.
  • She is impulsive, but has a strong sense of right and wrong in each situation.


  • Her body produces electricity in extremely high voltage and is immune to electrical shock. She is unable to project electricity from her body so she must use special weapons that are electrical conduits that allow her to project her electricity from her body.
  • She is able to ride electrical currents through wires and via wireless connections to their destination and exit the plugs outlets or wireless router using a special cell phone that finds the address and locates an electrical current that leads to that address.
  • She is able to travel in a jagged line from one spot to a specific destination as a bolt of electricity then materialize as herself.

Fighting Style

She is a kickboxer who flips around while fighting and shocks her opponents with electrical jolts when she punches and kicks them.


  • Live Wires – These are electrical wires that are full of copper and allow her to manipulate the electricity from her body in a high voltage release. She throw bolts of electricity from the ends of the Live Wires or locks them onto a target and destroys it with a stream of electricity.
  • Wrist Guns – These wrist guns shoot small electrical bolts precisely at individual targets.


The Thunder Board – She travels on a Thunderbolt shaped flying board that is powered by electricity from her body. It shoots high voltage electricity that enters it from her feet as she stands on it.

Civilian Description

  • Name – Susan Dawn
  • Race – Caucasian
  • Height – 5’5
  • Weight – 135 lbs.

Civilian Personality

  • She is a very intense business woman.
  • She is very organized and expects perfection from her associates.
  • Outside of work she has a pleasant, mild personality.


Professional Model


Susan Dawn is born to poor parents in a trailer park. One night  a fierce tornado heads towards the trailer park. As her mother is running to the storm shelter with Susan in her arms she is struck in the back by a lightning bolt that comes out of the side of the tornado and directly at them.  Her mother’s body receives the heaviest dose of the lightning, but Susan is also electrocuted. The lightning is filtered through her mother’s body in such a way that when it hits Susan its properties are transferred into Susan giving her the abilities of electrical energy absorption, production and manipulation. Her father is ahead of them holding the door to the storm shelter and sees the whole thing. He runs back to them as his wife falls to the ground. He grabs the baby and checks his wife’s pulse then realizes that she is dead. He races to the storm shelter with the baby and locks the door just before the tornado plows overhead. Then, as suddenly as it appeared the tornado is gone. As Susan's father emerges from the storm shelter holding her tightly he looks around and sees that their home is gone and his wife's body is nowhere to be found. He breaks down crying. He looks down as Susan opens her eyes and he thinks he sees an electrical spark in them. He blinks again and sees the electrical spark again. She touches him and he feels a small shockwave go through his body. He keeps this secret to himself. His wife’s body is soon found and after the funeral they relocate to Dallas, Texas. Susan grows up with the ability to touch things and send electrical pulse into them. She soon discovers her ability to shock people when she touches them, but she learns to control these electrical currents. Her father tells her to never use the power for revenge and that one day she will discover why she was spared and given these powers. Susan grows up loving fashion and becomes a model with her own apparel line and modeling agency. One day she shopping at the mall when she sees a man snatch a woman’s purse and run to the escalator. Before she thinks about it she runs after him, gets to the escalator and sends a shockwave down the escalator. The electrical current hits the man just as he is trying to jump off the escalator and knock him unconscious. The cops come running up to the fallen thief. The lady whose purse was stolen stands at the top of the escalator by Susan yelling to the cops and pointing at the man who stole her purse. Susan realizesfor the first time the rewarding feeling of being a hero and decides to become a crime fighter. She studies electricity, tests her powers, develops her outfit and weapons and becomes the hero Voltage.




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