Silver Knight

Hero Personality

  • He has quick reactions and solutions to the problem.
  • He is on time and is precise in movement and effort.
  • He has an extremely strong impulse to rescue women and the damsel in distress is his weakness.


He receives the following powers from the Silver Energy that is stored in his body.

  • He is able to multiply into as many as 10 exact duplicates of himself including armor, weapons and his horse.
  • He is able to multiply other items into as many as 10 exact duplicates then release the effects of his Silver Energy and bring the items back together into the original item.
  • The electronic energy pulse that activates his muscle movement is 10 times faster than normal which gives him 10 times the reaction speed. This extremely swift muscle twitch gives him reflexes that allow him to react with blinding speed making it almost impossible to beat in hand to hand combat.
  • He cannot produce electricity, but he is able to pass electrical currents through his body and the metal of his armor without being electrocuted.     

Fighting Style

His fighting style is to attack his opponent directly using his medieval weapon and by using a wide assortment of body slams and throws.


His armor and weapons are made of a lightweight, but strong, durable metal and are fully coated in pure silver. All weapons are short and compact, but extend out to their full length and width once in use.

  • Armor – His armor is designed so that he never takes a direct hit. Everything glances off because his armor is slanted at angles starting at the center of each piece and slanting outward.
  • Sword – He has a double edge sword with a “blade within a blade” design. He can push a button on the handle and the outer blade flies off spinning in the direction that he swings the sword or straight out in a perfect line to hit the target. The blades can be retracted magnetically in the order that they fit on the sword.
  • Daggers – He has 2 daggers one on the outside of each calf muscle.
  • Crossbow – He has a cross bow that is fully loaded and can fire multiple rounds of small arrows when the trigger is held down.
  • Shield – He has a shield on his chest that can be removed to fit on each arm by slipping  the arm into the straps between the shield and the chest.
  • Spears – He has 2 spears with a sharp points on one end and a rounded off end that is used for blunt force hits.
  • Battle Ax – This is a medium length 2 sided battle ax.
  • Ball on Wire – He has a ball that is attached to a strong, retractable, silver nylon/rubber wire. He can throw it so that it wraps around something and then retract it to pull himself to things or full them to him.


  • Horse – He  rides a horse with its own suit of armor. It is an extremely strong, muscular beast named Silver Streak. This horse has great stamina and speed as well as extreme agility, climbing and jumping ability.
  • Sliver Portal – This portal is a dimension and time travel devise that he created using Silver Light. He is able to flip up the face of his watch and it beams a round light creating a Silver Portal that leads to any location where he has a Silver Portal Receiver.

Civilian Description

  • Name – Kevin Lewis
  • Race – African American
  • Height – 6’2
  • Weight – 235 lbs.

Civilian Personality

  • He is smart, witty, fun loving, and has a great sense of humor.
  • He is very engaging with the fans and the media and does a lot of charity work for sick kids.


Professional Baseball Player


Kevin Lewis’ father owns a company that studies natural elements for specific features at the request of other companies. While researching the metal Silver he receives a contract from The Corporation to study the metal Copper. He concludes his research on Copper and informs them of a volatile element that would be concentrated in large amounts if the energy from Copper were to be processed. When he refuses to assist them in designing the machine to harness the energy from Copper they sever their business relationship with him. He completes his research, designs and builds his machine for harnessing Silver Energy. One day he brings his wife to the facility to see the machine in action. Not knowing yet that she is pregnant he exposes the developing baby to the Silver Laser Beam. When The Corporation learns of his new machine they accuse him of stealing their research for his own project. When he refuses their offer to buy his rights to the new machine they burn down his facility. He is devastated by the loss, but turns his attention to the birth of his son. As the baby grows they realize that fertility medicine and the exposure to the Silver Laser Beam have given him the ability to multiply himself when he is under stress. As a child he is taught to always remain calm, but when a neighbor’s dog attacks him his Silver Energy flashes. His mother watches as he separates into 5 versions of himself and runs fearlessly at the dog sending it running scared for its life. His mother and father are forced to explain his powers to him and though he tries to control it several more childhood incidents occur. As he grows up his passion for baseball leads him to become so good that he is a star athlete in high school and college. He is drafted by The Dallas Destroyers and becomes an out standing professional baseball player . One day he is at a bank filming a commercial when a villain called The General robs the bank using his army of Robot Medieval Knights. After this incident Kevin knows that he will have to use his Silver powers to fight crime. He studies ancient warfare and weapons and becomes fascinated by them. He makes modified versions of ancient weapons and armor, purchases and trains his horse and becomes the hero Silver Knight.           







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