Shadow Master

Hero Personality

  • He prefers to nod and uses body language to express himself. 
  • He prefers to remain as silent and inconspicuous as possible.
  • When he speaks he has well thought out ideas that are said very directly, objectively and in as few words as possible.


  • He also can fly through darkness and ride moving shadows.
  • He can see in complete darkness as if it were almost daylight.
  • He can become intangible and indestructible in the shadows.
  • He can mute his own sound and the sound of someone or something else as long as he is touching it.

Fighting Style

He uses Kung Fu going for the kill shot as quickly as possible.


  • He has a high-tech bow and arrow set with a large assortment of powerful and unique arrows.
  • His bow can break in half and on the inside of the handle there are 2 blades and he is able to use these in hand to hand combat.


He rides on an extremely high tech, racing motorcycle that shoots the same high tech arrows that he shoots with his bow.

Civilian Description

  • Name – Vincent Thomas
  • Race – African American
  • Height – 5’10
  • Weight –  205 lbs.

Civilian Personality 

  • He has a very strong sense of urgency, discipline and perfectionism in making his movies.
  • He is a cool man who will smile occasionally and rarely laughs.


Movie Producer


Vincent Thomas’ mother falls in love with and marries his father in spite of his blindness. Vincent grows up being made fun of in school because of his father’s disability. He vows to one day cure his father’s blindness. He becomes an award winning movie producer and actor at a very young age. His dream is for his father to see one of his movies and not just listen to the sound as he describes the action. He is also driven to enable his father to see the face of the woman who loved him so much that she married him in spite of his blindness. After paying lots of eye doctors for cures he gets frustrated and he decides to invest in a theory that he has about the potential cure for blindness. After doing some research on black diamonds he discovers that they have the ability to re-radiate light.  He gets the idea of creating a projector that will use a “Black Light Beam” created by using black diamonds. This projector will carrying images and movies directly through the eyes of blind people, past their nerves and directly into the brain so that they can “see” his movies and ultimately so that his father can see them as well. He recruits a female eye doctor who specializes in legally blind patients and a male scientist known for research and breakthroughs in vision enhancing therapy and technology to join him in developing the projector. Vincent orders 4 black diamonds that soon arrive. They create the machine and then carry out the experiments in the basement of Vincent’s home in order to be away from the public and keep their experiments a secret. But one evening after the doctor and the scientist leave Vincent goes back to the basement and performs some of his own experiments. He discovers that the 4th black diamond is more than just a black diamond. As he experiments with the strange diamond its hidden energy is released into his body and black holes open up, suck him in and then spit him out in different parts of the room. He shuts down his experiments and heads up to bed where a dream reveals the secret history of the 4th black diamond. He later discovers that he has the ability to make anything that he touches intangible in indirect lighting and is also able to transport anything that he is touching through the black holes that he creates. When an actress in his movie is abducted Vincent takes matters into his own hands to save her using his new powers to transport from the abductor’s basement to safety. After this incident he creates his hero outfit, high tech bow and arrow set and modified racing motorcycle then becomes the hero called Shadow Master.


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