Plastic The Drastic

Hero Personality

  • He is very serious and never jokes.
  • He is almost unmerciful in his approach to fighting crime.
  • He seeks to prove that he is not weak just because he is plastic.


  • He is able to manufacture, shoot and manipulate an organic, liquid plastic from his body.
  • He is able to change shapes and can become transparent.
  • He can harden his body into a solid composite plastic or become a pliable or liquid plastic.

Fighting Style

His fighting style is basic kicking and punching while using his plastic against his opponents in any way possible which includes spraying liquid plastic on them until they are stuck in it and unable to move.


  • Plastic – He creates weapons made from the plastic from his body, hardens it then reabsorbs the liquid plastic when the battle is over.
  • Cape – His cape is indestructible fabric. It is impervious to penetration by bullets or knives. It will not burn or freeze and it maintains a constant temperature of 85 degrees regardless of external temperatures.


His primary means of transportation is to create a spinning propeller out of one arm and use it to pull himself face first through the air horizontally or vertically like a helicopter with his arm over his head.

Civilian Description

  • Name – Joseph Valdez
  • Race – Hispanic
  • Height – 6’0
  • Weight – 195 lbs.

Civilian Personality 

  • He is a happy go lucky, fun loving prankster.
  • He is very volatile and over the top in his reaction on the soccer field.
  • He is very popular, loved by the fans and great with the media.


Professional Soccer Player


Joseph Valdes has a normal childhood and grows up wanting to become the world’s greatest soccer player. His life revolves around soccer and soccer tournaments. He soon becomes the youngest professional soccer player when he signs a contract to play for the Dallas Sledge Hammers. He quickly becomes recognized globally for his unique ability to score goals in the first half of the games then play goalie in the second half. He is the leading goal scorer in the world and is the best goalie per shot on goal in the league. One day while vacationing in Jamaica during the off season he comes up with the idea of creating small floating islands that people can live on off shore. He decides to invest his money into producing, renting and selling these “Vacation Islands”. He gets back to USA and begins designing the “Vacation Islands” with a team of scientists and engineers. It is determined that in order to construct these “Vacation Islands” they will have to create a new, strong, weather resistant, extremely buoyant, yet eco-friendly plastic to use for the complete structure of the island. As the plastic formula is nearing completion Joseph’s soccer team is in the final championship game. Joseph score 2 of the team’s first 3 goals and his team is winning 3 to 0 on their way to their first championship. But Joseph tears up his knee when he goes against his coach’s order, puts himself out of position to make the play and tries to recover to prevent the goal. He is carted off of the field and his team loses the championship game. He feels horrible for costing his team the championship and he vows to himself that he will bring them one the following season. After his knee surgery they put him on a new rapid healing formula. He secretly takes more than the recommended dosage trying to speed up his healing process. The day comes to do a public announcement that the plastic formula for the “Vacation Islands” is complete. As part of his demonstration he grinds up the plastic, pours the powder into a cup of water then drinks it in front of the crowd. But because his immune system is weakened and he is on the rapid healing drug his body absorbs the organic plastic and develops the ability to isolate the food particles that created the plastic. Whenever he eats those items in a meal his body begins using these particles to reproduce the organic plastic in cells all over his body. One morning he is brushing his teeth still half asleep, when he realizes that his toothbrush is still in the toothbrush holder. He looks down at his hand and is shocked to see that his finger has taken the shape of a toothbrush. He experiments with other parts of his body and discovers that his body is slowly taking on the qualities of the organic plastic that is being used for the Vacation Islands! He gains the ability to control the plastic in his body, but has the process for creating the plastic used for the “Vacation Islands” changed to eliminate the quality that allows it to bond with human DNA. His “Vacation Islands” business becomes very successful, but his love for soccer keeps him playing the game. After being exposed to mounting crime around him he decides to risk it all by taking on a new identity and using his new plastic powers to become the hero Plastic The Drastic.      


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