Hero Personality

  • She maintains a very optimistic perspective. 
  • She becomes hot headed when confronted by a threat and often overreacts before leveling out to save the day.


She has the ability to become razor thin and slice through almost any substance as well as escape through thin openings and dodge danger.

Fighting Style

Her fighting style is Muay Thai using flying knees, spinning elbows and hand chops.


She has two 5 barrel hand guns that shoot round spinning razors blades that can slice through almost anything.


She drives a sleek hot pink and black sports car that can fly and shoots large spinning, round razors. 

Civilian description

  • Name – Juana Diaz
  • Race – Hispanic
  • Height – 5’10
  • Weight – 160 lbs. 

Civilian Personality

  • She is very sophisticated, but can also put people at ease with her easy smile.
  • She understands and respects other people and their situations.
  • She is very spontatneous on her show and often surpirses her audience with gifts and unannounced guests.


Television Talk Show Host


Juana Diaz is born with an anatomical defense system that allows her to break down her muscle and bone mass. The energy that it takes to have all bone and muscle mass stay in shape is conserved by going flat when in a relaxed or scared condition. She learns to control this so that she can make herself go completely flat at a moment’s notice. Her parents are the only ones who know of her condition. One day on her way from school she is abducted by 3 men, thrown into the trunk of their car and taken into the woods. She finds 2 razors in the trunk, uses them to fight her abductors then escapes into the woods. She uses her ability to go thin to hide inside a narrow space between 2 boulders. The 3 men are unable to find her, give up the chase and flee the scene. She comes out from between the boulders and regains her form. She looks at the space that she was hiding in and the 2 razor blades in her hands and creates her alter ego named Razor. This new identity as Razor empowers her and she makes it back to the safety of her home. She tells no one of her alter ego, however as she grows up she assumes this identity whenever she faces challenges in life. In high school she continues to struggle with weight issues and skin problems, while wanting to pursue a career in television. She discovers a new healthy lifestyle which clears up her weight and skin issues and she eventually attains a successful career as television talk show host. But one day a little girl is abducted and Juana has a flash back to her abduction as a child. After the news reports that the girl’s abductor is in a standoff with police at an abandoned cabin in the woods Juana knows that it is time to use her alter ego to save the little girl. After saving the little girl Juana vows to turn her alter ego into an undercover hero. She designs her costume and her logo and waits for next opportunity to save someone from danger using her powers. In the meantime she invests in a tool manufacturing company. Through her investment the company is able to take the next step in tool sharpening which is to electronically charge the blades with an energy that uses the friction from the cut of the blade to actually determine the strength and sharpness of the blade as it is cutting through the element. While touring the facility an accident exposes her to the energy that is used to charge the sharpened edges of the tools. Her ability to become super thin is enhanced to the point that she is able to become razor thin with edges that get sharper and sharper from the friction of the element that she is slicing through. After she experiments with her new powers she officially turns her secret alter ego into the hero Razor.   



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