Frozen Inferno

Hero Personality

  • He is extremely fearless and bold in his words and actions.
  • He hates making mistakes so he takes his failures hard, but learns from them and pushes himself to make up for them in a powerful way.


Liquid Fire and Ice– He manufactures and shoots liquid fire out of the left side of his body and liquid ice out of the right side of his body.

Fighting Style

His fighting style is really using his fire and ice against his opponents, but he is also able to do basic boxing and wrestling when needed.


  • He uses the liquid fire to incinerate anything that is not human flesh and the liquid ice to freeze anything that is not human flesh.
  • He creates weapons and tools of solid ice out of the liquid ice from his right side.


He has the ability to fly.

Civilian Description

  • Name – Jacob Landry
  • Race - African American
  • Height – 5’9
  • Weight – 165 lbs.

Civilian Personality

  • He is a flashy and fun loving show off to entertain the fans.
  • He is love by the fans and media, takes lots of pictures and signs lots of autographs for the fans.
  • He is extremely competitive, but keeps his cool when the other racers talk trash to him.


Professional Race Car Driver


Jacob Landry is the middle child with 1 older brother and 1 younger sister. As teenagers he and his brother become street car racers with big dreams of becoming professional race car drivers. As they get older his brother becomes a successful race car driver, but is killed when his rival crashes him into the wall as they come out of the final turn. Jacob is devastated by the death of his brother and vows to become the greatest race car driver ever in honor of his brother. He becomes the #1 ranked race car driver in the world and a very visible celebrity. One night he attends a magic show and volunteers to participate in the main act. Tragedy occurs near the end of the trick as the right side of his body is frozen in a special chemical ice and the left side is submerged in a special chemical water. The chemicals are transferred into his body when live wires fall from the cables that are supporting him and the electricity shoots through the ice and water and into his body. The left side of his body suffers 3rd degree burns and the right side suffers frostbite as his blood flow is stifled by the chemicals taking over each side of his body. He is rescued from his hanging position and heals quickly with no ill effects to his body except that his body is always colder on one side and hotter on the other. While training for an upcoming race he blows an engine in his car, loses control and the car flips several times before landing on its tires and bursting into flames. As the flames begin burning his legs he instinctively reaches down with his right hand and liquid ice shoots out of his hand putting out the flames. He is stunned, but reaches for the handle of the car and liquid fire burns a hole through the damaged door. As he runs away from the vehicle the tank explodes hurling him through the air. He is about to land face first when he reaches out and shoots liquid fire and ice out of his hands and now his feet. He flies up into the air and realizes that he now has amazing new powers. After testing his powers he realizes that he must use them to save the lives of others. He designs his suit pattern with cracked ice on his right half and fire leaping up and down his left half and becomes Frozen Inferno.        

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