
Metallic needs your comments! Please go up to the Contact page and let us know what you think of him and the rest of Solo Legion! Please include your contact information so that we can keep you updated on Solo Legion comics, products and upcoming events! 

Hero Personality

  • He is bold and flashy when using his superpowers.
  • He is quick to sacrifice himself to save others.  


  • He is made of a combination of aluminum, titanium and liquid metal. He increases or decreases his metal cells to take on the qualities of each metal type needed in different situations.
  • He also has the ability to memorize mechanical blueprints, separate his body into the individual pieces of the blueprint and then come together as that vehicle or object.

Fighting Style

  • His creates metal weapons out of his body parts and use them in hand to hand combat.
  • His signature moves are is head butting since he can make his head solid metal titanium and dent other metals.


  • He creates weapons of a wide variety from the metal in his body.
  • He has a suitcase filled with machine gun bullets, strips of tire rubber, jet fuel and a fireproof compartment for important papers. 


His standard mode of transportation is to convert into a miniature jet and fly, but he also becomes other vehicles for land or water travel.

Civilian Description

  • Name – Matthew Peterson
  • Race – African American
  • Height – 6’5
  • Weight – 270 lbs. 

Civilian Personality

  • He is very confident, life of the party.
  • He has an overall good nature and a strong driving force.
  • He believes in constantly moving forward.
  • He is measured in his actions and reactions when he needs to be.


Entertainment Agent


Matthew Peterson grows up with an extreme photographic memory. This becomes both a blessing and a curse. In school he is able to remember pages of his notes then visualize the answers to the questions. However, this hurts him when he vividly remembers and relives the negative things that happened in his childhood. But he learns to suppress his bad memories by memorizing instructions for model cars, trucks and other vehicles then building them from memory. This becomes his favorite hobby. But as he grows up he struggles to erase the memories of his father’s drunkenness and physical abuse towards his mother. He turns to football to release his anger and becomes a great running back because of his size and strength. He graduates from high school at the top of his class and with a football scholarship. In college his major is Entertainment Law. He is a standout football player and is drafted into the professional football league. After his brother is wounded in the war he begins designing and investing his money into producing lightweight body armor for soldiers. That summer he perfects the suit and signs a billion dollar contract that allows the US army to manufacture the suits. But he loves and needs football so much that he continues to play even though he is very wealthy. He also continues to experiment with improvements to the suit. As they are finishing the last experiments for the new prototype he accidentally falls into the vat of liquid metal and swallows some as he struggles to pull himself out of it. The titanium and aluminum in his system that allow his body to bond with the new armor suit now bond with the liquid metal that he has swallowed. As he tries to pull himself out of the vat of liquid metal his arms begin stretching longer and turning the color of the liquid metal. He pulls himself out of the vat and rushes to the restroom. As he stares into the mirror he sees his face turn metallic gray. He realizes that his body composition has changed and he begins experimenting with his new metallic abilities. The following football season his team makes it to the championship game and they are up against the league’s toughest defense lead by the meanest player in the league. In retaliation for a cheap shot that knock his quarterback out of the game Matthew takes the next handoff, runs through the line directly at the leader of the defense, grabs him and rams him into the field goal pole after scoring the game winning touchdown. The mean defensive lineman suffers broken ribs and Matthew realizes that he turned into a metal man when he lost his temper. He knows this is an unfair advantage and as much as he loves the game of football he retires in the off season. After it is determined that the improvements to the new suit are unfit for combat use he finds himself bored and tormented by his childhood memories once more. He decides to use his Entertainment Law degree and invests his money into starting his own entertainment agency. After discovering corruption in the entertainment industry he realizes that he must use his metal powers to fight crime. When in hero form he shapes his body into a businessman’s suit and uses the 3 colors of the metals that he is made of as different colors in the pattern of the suit. He invents a multi-purpose briefcase that he carries into battle and become the hero called Metallic.