
Hero Personality

  • He is aggressive and fearless.
  • He stays level headed and focuses on the big picture in each situation.
  • He understands how powerful he is and offers his opponents the option to surrender before the  fight, but when they refuse he is unleashes his powers in full force.


His body produces and manipulates Light Energy in different forms and colors.

  • Red Light Energy – This is an extremely hot laser beam that burns through almost anything.
  • Yellow Light Energy – This light illuminates a large area in all directions or can be used as a beam for lighting small areas.
  • Orange Light Energy – This light goes around corners and bends around objects to give him a 3-D image of the front, back and sides of specific things in his environment.
  • Blue Light Energy – This light is so dense that it has a physical mass and can be shot as a powerful concentrated pulse or used to lift and control heavy objects.
  • Green Light Energy – This light promotes rapid healing in living things.
  • Black Light Energy – This light creates complete darkness in a given area by repelling light.

Fighting Style

His fighting style is to obliterate his enemy with his lasers in any way possible.


His Light Energy is used as his weapons.


He has the ability to fly at almost the speed of light.

Civilian Description

  • Name – David Banks
  • Race - African American
  • Height – 6’0
  • Weight – 190 lbs.

Civilian Personality

  • He is very calm and collected, but likeable and popular.
  • He does not socialize much and likes to keep conversations short and sweet, but pleasant.


Emergency Room Surgeon


David Banks’ father disappears after his birth and is never found. His mother tells him that she will never give up the hope of finding him. As a child he is intrigued by the human body and watches medical documentaries and Emergency Room shows on TV. He tells his mother that he wants to be the greatest surgeon ever. He goes to college, graduates at the top of his class and becomes a world famous emergency room surgeon who handles the most traumatic cases in Dallas, Texas. He also does TV interviews and a reality series that re-enacts some of the issues he faces and the surgeries that he performs. He is secretly researching, experimenting and investing his money into developing alternative energy by harvesting bioluminescent energy from insects. He builds a firefly farm and uses their simple light as a base light that is stored as dormant light energy. Then he discovers that the light kills bacteria and he becomes intrigued by the possibility of creating organic light inside of the human body to kill bacteria and disease. He develops pills that can be filled with chemicals that produce light once exposed to oxygen in the blood stream. These pills are red, yellow, orange, blue, green and black and each chemical in the pills is designed to use light for a different effect on the human body. One night he experiments with the pills individually then takes all except the black pill to measure the effects. But he is exhausted at the end of a long day at the hospital and he falls asleep inside of the machine that activates the chemicals. He is overexposed to the concentrated light from the fireflies and his body begins to flash all 5 colors one after the other as the chemicals bond with his DNA. He wakes up the next morning realizing that he was overexposed to the light and chemicals. He pops several of the black pills hoping that they will neutralize the effects, but he is late for work and rushes to get to the hospital. After work he goes back to the lab and watches the footage of the prior nights experiment. He sees his body glowing and flashing lights all around the room and realizes that his body now produces its own light. He discovers that each light produced by his body has a different affect and he masters the ability to use them. Then he discovers that by releasing all colors at once they combine to give him the ability to fly at amazing speeds. He creates his costume pattern with lasers based on the colors of the chemicals that gave him his Light Energy powers shooting out from the logo on his chest. He becomes the super hero named Laser.  


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