Hero Personality

  • He is as cool and calm as a cat.
  • He is very smooth and cunning in his approach to everything.
  • He is fierce and attacks against all odds.


  • He has the ability to become any one of the big wildcats (Lion, Orange or White Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Cougar, Jaguar, Cheetah or Black Panther)
  • He can instantly grow the wings of an eagle and fly.

Fighting Style

His fighting style is open handed using his claws to slash and his teeth to bite and rip things and opponents apart.


  • He uses metal coverings to protect his claws and teeth enabling him to bite and slash even through metal.
  • Tiger Glow - This is an flowing orange sphere that provides a force field protecting him and whoever is inside with him. He receives 9 of these per day.


He has the ability to run as fast as a cheetah and fly like an eagle.

Civilian Description

  • Name – John Atkins
  • Race - African American
  • Height – 5’10
  • Weight – 200 lbs. 

Civilian Personality

  • He is quietly confident, but extremely funny.
  • He is smart and direct in his responses to the public.


Professional Comedian


John Atkins is a very funny child who is always making adults and children laugh. His humor get him into trouble in school, but his teachers always go easy on him because he makes them laugh as well. He grows up with the love of 2 things. They are humor and cats. He loves to entertain and feels that his mission in life is too bring joy to others. His favorite cat is the Leopard because of its fearlessness, strength and versatility. As a young man he becomes the #1 comedian in the world and becomes very rich. He takes a trip to Africa to connect with his roots and to stand for conservation to protect the animals that are being poached to the edge of extinction. While there he is introduced to a man who is doing breakthrough research on the big cats. He is seeking to find a way to use DNA to recreate a male and female of each species in order to be able to bring them back in case they become extinct at some time in the future. He has a collection of muscle fibers, hair, blood samples, teeth, bones, claws, eyes, brain matter, etc. and the blueprint for a high tech machine that will be able to use smaller cats to create the large wildcats. He has collected years of data on their lifestyles and survival skills and poured all the research into a computer that will create a virtual world for each species inside of the machine and monitor their development until they are completely transformed in the desired species. He is now looking for the funding to build and test the machine. John Adkins is impressed with his project, invests in the machine and becomes very involved in conservation efforts. One day he is traveling through the African landscape when he finds 2 poachers stalking elephants near a village. He fights them off to save the elephants and the chief of the nearby village invites him to hide in their village. While in the chief’s hut the chief tells him that he is the Chosen One. The chief tells him of an ancient vial of oil that has been passed down from one generation to the next awaiting the one who would save the animals and protect the land.  John leaves the village and returns later that evening with the required fragments from each wildcat. The chief mixes them with eagle fragments and grinds them into a fine powder. Then he mixes the powder and oil, performs a ceremony and pours them over John’s head. John is lifted into the air and surrounded by an orange glow as he receives the abilities of the wildcats and the wings of an eagle. The transformation is complete and he drops down to the ground. The chief explains the powers that John just received to him. Suddenly, bullets begin to fly through the hut as the poachers retaliate for John’s earlier disruption of their hunt. A fire brand is thrown into the hut catching it on fire.   The chief is injured from one of the bullets and tells John that he wants to die in his hut. The chief tells John to escape without him. The chief dies as the hut begins collapsing around John. John transforms into a winged leopard and flies up through the roof as the hut collapses beneath him. He escapes back to his jeep and ride back to the science facility. He leaves Africa and makes it back to Dallas, but never forgets his experience. He discovers the wide range of abilities that he has been given and knows he must use these powers to save not only African animals, but civilians all over the world as well. He designs his suit pattern after the different wildcats whose abilities he now has, adds the eagle wings as part of his logo and becomes the hero called Leopard.


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