
Hero Personality

  • He is an investigator who pays attention to the smallest details.
  • He is a man of few words, but when he speaks he is wise and makes a great point.


His only supernatural powers are the ability to max out or reverse his five senses as follows:

  • Vision – He has both Binocular and Microscopic vision with short term photographic memory.
  • Smell – He has both the ability to identify individual smells in his environment and the ability to shut down his sense of smell in order to be immune to strong or intoxicating odors.
  • Touch – His touch can be very sensitive and detect small variations in textures, density, and temperature or he can reverse it to become pain free when he is injured.
  • Taste – He can taste individual flavors and determine the ingredients of food and drinks or he can mute his taste buds completely if the food or drink is horrible.
  • Hearing – He can magnify and locate the origin of individual sounds or he can mute his ears to sounds that would be too great and blow out his hearing or control his mind.

Fighting Style

He is extremely athletic and his fighting style is more of an all-around, opportunistic street fighter with martial art skills in many fighting styles. And he is an expert using his pens as weapons.


High Tech Pens – These pens look like regular ink pens, but are very high tech. They are hidden in the lines of his costume and the pockets of his jacket. They include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Parachute Pens – He has multiple pens that have compressed parachutes that use the thinnest plastic and strings and he uses these to slow his fall or the fall of others.
  • Acid – It shoots a small stream of acid.
  • Blade – It has a sharp blade that comes out of the tip. He can use this a hand to hand combat weapon or simply to cut things.
  • Javelin – It stretches into a 3 foot long double pointed javelin.
  • Explosive – It explodes on contact after the cap has been off for 5 seconds.
  • Laser – It has a red laser that he uses to burn cleanly through metal, glass etc.
  • Pole – It stretches out to a length of 7 feet and is used like a pole vault pole to catapult him over heights and distances he could not jump over himself.
  • Throwing – It has double edged blades that come out of both ends slicing and sticking into their target.
  • Torch – It shoots a small stream of fire.
  • Chain – It unscrews to become a strong, small link, miniature chain.
  • Liquid Metal – It contains liquid metal that he is able to use to bond metal back together.
  • Flammable Ink – This pen has flammable ink that burns a message into whatever he writes on.

Wristband Shooter – This wristband is loaded with 10 pens that rotate around his forearm rapidly while shooting out from above the back of his hand.


He flies in a swift, one man airplane that shoots large pens with all of the capabilities of the small ones.

Civilian Description

  • Name – Damien Griffin
  • Race - African American
  • Height – 6’1
  • Weight – 200 lbs.

Civilian Personality

  • He is a cool and trend setting.
  • He is mild mannered, good natured, patient and great with the fans and the media.


Recording Artist


Damien Griffith’s mother is a lover of music. When she is pregnant with him she discovers that he will only calm down at night when she turns music on and puts a heating pad on her stomach. As he grows in her womb he instinctively tries to use his developing senses to connect with the music on all levels. The combination of the music and the extra heat intensifies his experience and heightens his 5 senses. After he is born he has the same craving of music and the heating pad. As a young person he develops unnaturally keen senses of vision, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. But in school he is a misfit with no friends. He begins writing poetry as a means of expressing and controlling his emotions. He thinks that his gift of poetry will bring him friends, but when he reads it for the first time in class the kids accuse him of copying it from another poet. Unable to prove that he wrote the poem he falls into a deep depression and becomes suicidal. But after hearing the positive lyrics of a new song on the radio he becomes determined to live and prove his poetic talent to the world. He begins turning his poetry into song lyrics and creating melodies for the songs. He begins taking piano lessons then saves the day when the piano player falls sick and cannot make it to the school play. This instantly makes him popular at school and he wins the upcoming talent show by performing a song that he wrote. This gives him the confidence to pursue a career as a professional recording artist. He becomes a very successful recording artist and invests money into an idea that he has for using music as therapy to enhance the body’s healing process and fight disease. In his experiment he exposes himself to very intense concentrations of isolated musical pulses then checks for the effects. His 5 senses become even more enhanced through these experiments. But everything changes for him when a stunt at his concert goes wrong and the man who saves his life dies. When Damien awakens he is in the hospital. As he recovers he discovers that his 5 senses are now magnified in both directions and that he can now control them. Then he is told that the man who saved his life died. It is soon discovered that the stunt was sabotaged by a rival recording artist. Damien forever feels guilty for the man’s death and vows to use his new heightened senses to prevent death. After using his 2 special writing pens to stop his slide down an icy mountainside he decides to create high tech pens and use them as his weapons. He decides to use his magnified five senses along with his high tech pens to become the ultimate investigator, crime solver and crime fighter. He designs his costume based on the sheets of paper that he uses to write poetry and song lyrics. He names himself Lyric to represent savings the lives of others the way that writing song lyrics saved his life.

Lyric needs your comments! Please go up to the Contact page and let us know what you think of him and the rest of Solo Legion! Please include your contact information so that we can keep you updated on Solo Legion comics, products and upcoming events!